Godzilla: The Album (1998)

Release date: May 19, 1998.

Length: 59:04

Notable songs: "Come with me", "Heroes", "No Shelter", "Deeper underground", "Brain stew (the Godzilla remix), "A320".

The soundtrack from the movie of the same name, brings a mix of musical genre, in order to make you forget what you saw in the movie.  

The album was released the same day the movie was. It was part of promotion to Roland Emmerich´s Godzilla. The movie was the big bet from TrisStar Pictures to top the worldwide box office, with such a character in the title role. Nonetheless, the movie failed and went to third place in worlwide box office, grossing about 379 million , and went to ninth place in the United States, grossing around 136 million in the domestic market, against a budget of 130 million. 

Godzilla: the Album starts with "Heroes" by The Wallflowers and being a cover of David Bowie´s song. The songs has a good vibe with its rock chords and riff. We have a change of genre and rhythm when Puff Daddy´s "Come with Me" arrives. The song has a heavy, but energetic vibe, combined with the rap in its lyrics, and Godzilla roar in the backgroud, gives to you some chills. Passing through Jamiroaqui´s "Deeper Undergound", "No shelter" serves as a methaphoric song, which incitates that Godzilla it´s no the real problem, but the way the politics do their stuff and all the companies implied in monopolies are the real danger. "Air" by Ben Folds, and "Macy Day Parade" by Michael Penn, give some comfort and a relaxing moment. "Walk the sky" and "Running Knees" bring more enery with their respective riffs. "A320" from Foo Fighters lets your imagination firing if you are in the skies, adding some loudly chords towards the end of the track. Green Day shares his classic "Brain Stew" with new arregments and a special guest in the vocal suport: Godzilla. "Untitled" is relaxing, and "Out there" by Fuzzbubble, spread a moment of ecstasy with its powerful and energetic riff and rhythm. "Undercover" by Joe Deluxe sounds like a James Bond song, with come catchy lines, and we finally reach the end with two compositions from the movie, conducted by composer David Arnold, which includes the movie´s main theme from the  opening credits, among another theme of his own. Godzilla: the Album it´s a mix of musical genre, which brings a better taste than the movie itself.


With some songs referring to Godzilla, the album it´s an audio experiencie of good rock, alternative, metal and more. Probably, better than the movie itself. Also, Godzilla provides vocal support in some tracks.

