Synopsis: a five-minute preview of what it could be the next chapter in the jurassic franchise, with our beloved T-rex as a protagonist.
Because this is about an upcoming movie, crew details will be ignored.
Spolier alert.
Following the release of JWFK in 2018, a third movie was confirmed. In 2020, production pictures were leaked. Sadly, due to the pandemic, filming was put into a hiatus, and causing to postpone the original release date in 2021, to a new one, in 2022.
Jurassic World Dominion prologue takes us to a era where the dinosaurs used to live in herds, or in solitary, doing the necessary in order to survive. Two titans catch our attention: a new kid in town, the giganotosaurus , and what it seems to be an old relative to our favorite t-rex: a feathered one, something never seen before. A battle starts, with the late being defeated. A mosquito lands in the face of the dead t-rex, and feeds on its blood. This could be a key about Rexy origins?, from this, we go to the actual era, with Rexy arriving at an auto cinema, and sowing chaos among the people. While, a helicopter is chasing her, trying to sedate her.
This prologue, leads to more questions rather than aswers. Could be this film centered around Rexy/ Roberta?, just like te second one, which was centered around Blue. There´s a new foe to the T-rex?, a "personal" one? I´m worried about the future of Rexy: Will she "pass the torch" to a new T-rex and she will retire with honors?, Will she continue as the image of the franchise? I wouldn´t like to say goodbye to her, she´s my favourite. The fact of seeing more dinosaurs, is what it makes this franchise to grow. More questions: how will Grant, Ellie and Malcolm take part in this film?, Will they share scenes together?, more questions and few answers.
This prologue does it well. It´s enjoyable the chaos made by Rexy at the auto cinema. We just have to wait until 2022 to find out. I´m just hoping to Rexy doesn´t get hurt or something worse. Please, do not do it.
If you´re anxious to know more about this film, this prologue will calm your despair. Despite it´s lenght, is enough to give you an update. We just have to wait to it´s relase date. Recommendable.
Jurassic World Dominion is out in June, 2022.
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