The way it is (1986)
A great piece of music, about social and political themes, with a memorable piano performance.
From the album: The way it is.
Release date: September, 1986.
Songwriter: Bruce Hornsby.
The way it is, is like a protest song, emphasizing in themes such like: unemployment, social class, racism, civil rights. Bruce Hornsby manages to send this message in a clever way. The piano chords are the oppose to the lyrical content: they sound relaxing, calm, so sweet sounds to your hears. Hornsby´s piano perfomance is the highlight of this song.
One of the most recognizable songs about protest and disagreement on how cruel the society can be. Despite being released in 1986, this song can apply on nowadays situations. Hornsby´s famous song, and of course, one of the best piano songs ever made.
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