A very emotional piece, whose message is very clear: you were my everything, and now, it´s done. A good vocal performance from Vedder, so deep and sad, gives to this masterpiece a special place among the best songs in history.
Not released as a single.
From the album: Ten.
Release date (as part of Ten): August 27, 1991.
Songwriters: Eddie Vedder, Stone Gossard.
Black has a deep message on its lyirics, so emotional that you can identify with: depression, no hope, the end of a relationship; where she is taking the best part and he´s doomed. The performance that Vedder delivers on this song, is so emotional, he´s almost crying and screaming on despair. Plus, the musical arrangement is well done: most part of the song is calm, like a balad, the percussion of the drums, and the guitar riff at the final part, create a melancolic feeling, the lines: "I know some day you´ll have a beautiful life, I know you´ll be a star in somebody else sky", goes right to the hearth. At the end, you simply will want to hear it again, no matter your mood.
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