All the citizens recognize both men, when they´re in their distinctive and peculiar "uniform": a long and black coat made of leather, a top hat, and the most notorious feature; their creepy bird-like mask, who terrorizes everyone. They are related to death, simply like that.
Emmerich and Rowan, are in their way to attend another patient. The twenty of the month. An old woman, living in the boundaries. She lives alone, so her neighbors asked for help.
Both men enter the house. The old lady is Mariane, she´s around 70 years. She only have some candles to iluminate the room. Using their stick, both doctors examine their patient at distance, she has the disease´s notorious feature: the buboes, on her crotch and armpit. She´s shacking and coughing. Both doctors, from their repertory, take little blades. They´re going to practice the bloodletting technique. Or, in other words, cut her veins and let her bleed.
Minutes later, both men come out. The neighbors are watching at the distance. Emmerich closes the door and keeps the keys. They just walk away.
Both men arrive to a shelter, at the boundaries, near the house of the woman. It´s a special room for each one. They have to stay in isolation for the next 40 days.
In Rowan´s room, he removes his mask, revealing a blond man, with blue eyes, and an incipient beard. He continues removing his uniform of Plague Doctor.
"I feel bad for that old lady, Emmerich. We did everything we could", said Rowan, resting on his bed. "Seems like this nightmare...will never end, I´m worried, because of my family: my mother and sisters. They don´t know nothing about this".
In the room next to it, Emmerich watches his reflex in the mirror, wearing that creepy mask. Slowly, he removes it, revealing a brown haired man, with green eyes, and a medium size beard. He sighs and lays on his bed.
"You know, Rowan...I didn´t want this. I mean, I´d like to be a real doctor, and help people, but, this way...I don´t like it. I have to study medicine, move away from here, to a safe place. To start a new life", said Emmerich looking at the ceiling. "Hell does exist, this disease is the walking hell. And, as you said, seems like will never end".
"We´re doomed, but, we´re still here, don´t you?, claimed Rowan at the distance.
"We have to stay here for the next 40 days, so, we have enough time to think about it. Hope our partners can find a cure for this. Amen", said Emmerich. He´s tired.
"Amen", replied Rowant at the distance.
40 days later, they come out from their isolation rooms. They´re wearing normal clothes. No one recognizes them as the plague doctors.
"I´ll see if I can buy some meat. I need proteins", said Rowan, while parting ways with his partner.
"Fine. I just will take a walk in the market. I need some...distraction. See you later", replied Emmerich.
While walking through the market, Emmerich stops at a fruit store. He buys an apple. He is attended by Charlotte. She´s a cute young woman, with long and blonde hair. Same age or Emmerich. He´s attracted to her.
"Are you gonna buy something, or just stare at me?", asked Charlotte, in a funny way.
"Oh...yeah, of course., lady. You´´re cute", said Emmerich, staring at her.
"Charlotte, my name is Charlotte. It´s two pounds for the apple, please", she replied. "Are you new here?, I don´t remember seeing your face before".
"We might say that", said Emmerich. "I´m just here for job. It´s so dangerous, because of the...plague".
"Yeah, the plague. It killed my mother and one of my sisters, about two months ago", claimed Charlotte. She´s serious. "My father and my other sister are my only family. He´s a merchant, a well respected merchant. That´s how we live".
They are staring at each other.
"Well, I hope you have a nice day, thanks for coming. Will I see you again?, asked the girl.
"I hope so. I really be glad, if I see you again. If you want to go out with me some day", replied Emmerich. He´s blushing.
The time passes by. Emmerich continues with his job as a plague doctor, while, on his days off, he meets whith Charlotte and share moments together. Everything seems to be normal, until...
Four months later.
Both, Rowan and Emmerich are on their way to attend a new patient. They have a conversation.
"Rowan, I made a decision...take Charlotte with me, and start a new life together, away from here, in a safe place", said Emmerich excited.
"You have good look, my friend. She´s a good girl. If she makes you happy, I´m fine with that. You have my support", replied Rowan.
Both arrive to the patient´s house. For Emmerich´s´s Charlotte´s house! He´s in shock. He doesn´t want to get in.
"Emmerich..., Emmerich!, listen...we have to do it, it´s our job. And we don´t know if she is the patient. Calm down!", claimed Rowan.
Emmerich nods, and both enter.
In the main room, Emmerich sees his worst nightmare: Charlotte is the patient. Her father, Sir Johnson, and her young sister, are by her side.
Both doctors proceed to examine Charlote´s condition: she has black marks under her skin, buboes near her neck and armpits. She´s shacking and coughing. Emmerich denies to do the bloodletting on her, but he has no choice. He cuts her veins. She screams in agony. Her blood comes out and spread on the floor.
"It´s all fault of that man!, the man my daughter was hanging out. He infected her!", claimed Sir Jonhson. He´s angry, desperate.
Emmerich, wearing his uniform, doesn´t say a word. He continues doing the bloodletting on Charlotte, against his will. Seeing the girl in this situation, it´s so hard to him. He wants to die.
Moments later, both, Rowan and Emmerich come out. Inside the house, they hear Sir Johnson and his daughter crying. Rowan tries to console Emmerich, but he walks away.
Back in their isolation rooms, Rowan meets with Emmerich again. Rowan has his mask removed. Emmerich still wears his entire costume.
"Emmerich, really, I´m sorry for Charlotte, but, this is not you fault" , said Rowan. He´s distressed.
"It´s my fault, for falling in love, for never told her about this. I just wanted a normal life, away from this, but, this shit will never end. I was a threat for her, and...look what happened", said Emmerich. He´s about to tear apart. "This mask, it´s my real face, Rowan. I have no more dreams to fight for, my life it´s now doomed. I guess, this is the end, my friend. From now, I´m on my way".
Emmerich shakes hands with Rowan, and walks away.
He disappears in the horizon, among the forest.
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